Peeki is an ungimmicked peek wallet which can be bought at pretty much any store that sells wallets. There is no trickery to be found in the wallet and thus it is fully examinable before and after the effect. The secret is in how the wallet is used and handled.
Effect: Spectator writes or draws anything on a business card and places it face down in your wallet. The spectator also closes the wallet and additionally secures it with a rubber band. Still, you can read what is written on the business card with one quick and unnoticeable glimpse.
Standard wallet which can be bought cheaply anywhere that sells wallets!
The wallet is un-gimmicked and can therefore be inspected as much as necessary.
Once you have the wallet you are ready to perform immediately.
You will see the entire business card.
100% reliable.
1st edition 2011; 3 pages photo illustrated.